Old School Radio Pictures from Vox Daily
From voices.com Vox Daily saw this!
School Radio Pictures | Vox Daily.
OMG.. Made me want to get the old ones out from the Mid 80’s
Found one from a time when Radio was Play Time. I will post to flickr later from home.
Mixed memories of the fun we had, as well as the station manager who owned the station too. His wife sales manager & daughter who did the commercial logs. The days before networking crushed all the fun.
Most vivid memory… Voicing commercials in a booth, next to the on air studio. The jock had to monitor via headphones, the A/C had to be turned off, (rotten on 40 deg + days) and re takes when the telephone system was used (old mechanical type, where the control box was in the corner of the booth)
Ah those were the days..